Example Data Tables

The following are examples of some of the output generated. The full suite of results are included as part of the project report.

Long Term Summary Data Table:

Town: Coastal Community (also includes shoreline districts)
NSM Min: Net Shoreline Movement Minimum Value
NSM Max: Net Shoreline Movement Maximum Value
NSM Ave: Net Shoreline Movement Average Value
EPR Ave: End Point Rate Average
LRR Ave: Linear Regression Rate Average
LRR CI Regional Ave. Uncertainty: The average confidence interval corresponding to the LRR.
LRR CI Ave Lower Bound: Lower bound of the confidence interval (LLR Ave) + (LRR CI Regional Ave. Uncertainty)
LRR CI Ave Upper Bound: Upper bound of the confidence interval (LLR Ave) + (LRR CI Regional Ave. Uncertainty)


Continue to example charts.